
Clutter to Clarity: Wardrobe Detox Challenge

Does your wardrobe fill you with joy?
Do you feel amazing in everything you wear?
If the answer to the above isn't a massive yes, then now is the perfect time to do a review of your wardrobe

Let me guide you on what to keep, what to move on, and what items need to be added in to create a cohesive wardrobe.


Day 1: Assessing your Wardrobe & mindset to a successful detox

Day 2: Decluttering & Organisation

Day 2: Reflection and Future Planning

3 day challenge to help you detox your wardrobe!

Create a wardrobe that feels calmer, more organised, discover your wardrobe gaps to creative a cohesive wardrobe.

If the thought of tackling your wardrobe feels overwhelming, or it has been on your to do list for ages, then why not join me for my Clutter to Clarity, Wardrobe Detox Challenge.


Get your Decluter Challenge Here